How to Fit an Online Course Around a Job and Children

How to Fit an Online Course Around a Job and Children

The thought of adding an online course around a job and children might seem daunting, but it’s essential to remember that investing in your growth is not only possible but incredibly rewarding. Here are some practical strategies to help you fit an online course into...
Five Differences Between A Mother Circle and A Self-Help Group

Five Differences Between A Mother Circle and A Self-Help Group

Women have gathered together for centuries. We have gathered in Circle and created our own communities. Yes, Circles are a form of self-help group but they are also different. Here are 5 differences between a Mother Circle and a self-help group: Focus: A Mother Circle...
Can pregnancy yoga make childbirth less painful?

Can pregnancy yoga make childbirth less painful?

I wish I were able to guarantee that my pregnancy yoga class in Birmingham makes childbirth less painful. I’m not able to do that. What I can guarantee you is greater emotional and physical strength, along with a mindset shift. You will experience both of these...