Earn an Income From Mother Circles - Can I? 100% YES! You can earn money from Mother Circles. Have you reached the point where your existing job just isn't working? It's not fulfilling or flexible enough and you want to do something that makes a difference? You are...
Transition from a Corporate Career to Your Own Business Supporting Mums
Are you a ready to break free and transition from a corporate career to your own business supporting mums? Running your own business is rewarding, but it requires careful planning and strategic steps to make sure that it's a successful transition and that you don't...
Birth Trauma and PTSD
Giving birth is experienced differently by everyone. Two women can have what looks to be the same birth, but they can feel and experience it completely differently to one another. There are so many varying factors as to why one woman may experience the birth of their...
What Are The ‘Baby Blues’?
Baby Blues is a real thing, and here’s what it's all about: You're home. You have a brand new baby in your arms and you feel overwhelmed with love and joy. Birth is over and you can be home with your new family. However, within a day or two you start to feel low,...
How Pregnancy Yoga Can Help You Have A Positive Mindset For Birth
How Pregnancy Yoga Can Help You Have A Positive Mindset For Birth. Knowing you are about to give birth can be scary and daunting, especially if it's your first time. Having a positive mindset for birth makes all the difference. It can be done; gently and in a way that...
Why Being Honest About How You Feel As A Mum Is So Important
Childbirth is a monumental time in any person’s life. Not everyone is blessed with the opportunity to bring new life into this world. However, the blessing of a new baby also comes with challenges that most of us haven't anticipated, prepared for or even been told...
At Least 20 Simple Ways To Feel Happier For Mums
Today I would like to gift you The Happy List. A list of things you can do to feel happier. I'm not saying that you're not happy. I really hope you are but it can be difficult to be happy all the time. In fact, we are not supposed to be always happy so please don't...
Why Self-Care Feels So Hard For Mums
I have not always had a healthy relationship with self-care. I can be a martyr which is not good for me or anyone around me. I often throw my toys out of the pram - usually when I've neglected me for a while. The whole 'self-care' isn't selfish' thing didn't sit well...
Scary Thoughts After You Have Had Your Baby
Over half of all new mums - when asked - say that they have scary thoughts. That means that the real percentage is most likely even higher. What if I drop my baby? I think my baby would be better off without me? What if something falls on him whilst he's sleeping....
Magic Mindset for Birth
We all have our own belief systems. These are based on things we've seen heard, been told and been through ourselves. The stories we read and listen to are incredibly powerful in creating this system. This means that you already have a belief system around birth even...