

The Rollercoaster of Running A Business Alongside Motherhood

The Rollercoaster of Running A Business Alongside Motherhood

Running A Business Alongside Motherhood Is A Rollercoaster I love being a mum and I love running my own business. Running a business alongside motherhood sits together well - most of the time - not always but I don't expect anything to be an always!  Balancing the...

Notes On…

Pregnancy Yoga – All Your Questions Answered

Pregnancy Yoga – All Your Questions Answered

Pregnancy Yoga - All Your Questions Answered. There are so many reasons to join a pregnancy yoga group or class. I absolutely recommend them for relaxation and as a way to prepare your body for birth and motherhood. They are also the best way to create your motherhood...

Birth Trauma and PTSD

Birth Trauma and PTSD

Giving birth is experienced differently by everyone. Two women can have what looks to be the same birth, but they can feel and experience it completely differently to one another. There are so many varying factors as to why one woman may experience the birth of their...

Why Is My Pelvic Floor So Important?

Why Is My Pelvic Floor So Important?

So, you find yourself pregnant for the first time; you are excited, nervous and have no idea of the journey you are about to embark on. Your body starts to do weird and wonderful things, like your boobs becoming ginormous and a lovely black line appears on your tummy....

The Superpowers Of A Birthing Ball

The Superpowers Of A Birthing Ball

If you are pregnant, it may have been suggested that you get a birthing/yoga ball. But why are they so helpful? What is so awesome about them? And, what can they do for you and your baby? When pregnant, we like to slump down at the end of the day into our sofa and try...

Birth Partner Stories

Birth Partner Stories

Supporting someone who is giving birth can be worrying, scary and confusing. Some birth partners have shared their experiences for us, share it with yours so they can see they are not alone in their worries. I’m honestly not sure what I wish I’d known (it was 6 years...

Mothering Teenagers Isn’t Easy

Mothering Teenagers Isn’t Easy

Mothering teenagers is really tricky. It's very different to mothering babies. I get far more time by myself than when the girls were little but when they do need me it's for high level issues such as friendships, boyfriends, exam choices/results, disappointments and...

What About Dad?

What About Dad?

This is a guest blog from lovely Kate Sower, one of our Mother for Life mums. With Father’s Day and International Fathers’ Mental Health Day looming, I thought this would be a great topic for my next blog. A father’s role has dramatically changed over the past few...

Finding Balance in Motherhood

Finding Balance in Motherhood

It's Friday night: 7:40pm. I'm sitting in my car somewhere the other side of Perry Barr and it's pouring with rain. I'm cold because the engine is off. I still have 20 minutes until Neave finishes netball and I've been here for an hour. In that time I've drafted an...

Mum – Give Yourself Permission

Mum – Give Yourself Permission

I find that I often use the words 'give yourself permission to rest' or 'give yourself permission to let go of whatever it is that is bothering you' when I'm holding space for others. I think they let go in that moment but I bet they are back on it as soon as they...

Introducing Mother for Life

Introducing Mother for Life

Introducing Mother for Life… As most of you already know, Blossom Yoga & Wellbeing rebranded to Mother for Life on 14th July 2020. I’ve been updating all our social pages and posts to include the new name, but have been having a bit of trouble getting the new name...

Why Self-Care Feels So Hard For Mums

Why Self-Care Feels So Hard For Mums

I have not always had a healthy relationship with self-care. I can be a martyr which is not good for me or anyone around me. I often throw my toys out of the pram - usually when I've neglected me for a while. The whole 'self-care' isn't selfish' thing didn't sit well...

Why Mums Do Not Need To Worry About A Messy House

Why Mums Do Not Need To Worry About A Messy House

Our house has been chaos for months now and at times it has driven us all completely mad. We've had our cellar extended, Pod built, window replaced, patio dug up, trench down the garden and now the decorators are inside. We have had people here, doing something, since...

Ten Tips for Birth Recovery

Ten Tips for Birth Recovery

TEN TIPS TO RECOVER FROM BIRTH • Set realistic expectations. Don’t expect too much of yourself in these early days and weeks. You’ve just given birth, your body has undergone a huge physical transformation and emotionally it’s been a rollercoaster (and will continue...

Motherhood Imposter Syndrome

Motherhood Imposter Syndrome

I often feel that I'm not as competent at what I do as you might think I am. I doubt myself, talk negatively to myself, convince myself that everyone else's classes must be much better than mine and lose myself down the rabbit hole of comparisonitis on Instagram every...

The Benefits of Baby Massage

The Benefits of Baby Massage

Massage is one of the best ways for your baby to experience the benefit of touch. It is also a beautiful way to welcome your baby into this new world she is adjusting to. Life in the womb is warm, dark, quiet, soft and constant, with food on demand and contact at all...

Magic Mindset for Birth

Magic Mindset for Birth

We all have our own belief systems. These are based on things we've seen heard, been told and been through ourselves. The stories we read and listen to are incredibly powerful in creating this system. This means that you already have a belief system around birth even...

Uterine Surges and Oxytocin

Uterine Surges and Oxytocin

It's normal to worry about birth being painful. It's natural to feel this way. Don't worry if this is where you are right now. You're not alone. Fear often comes from not knowing. Taking time to understand what happens during birth helps. Those intense sensations -...

Feeling Special

Feeling Special

Are you ok? I have had a tricky week this week. If you caught my book reading on Tuesday, you will have seen that I cried so much that I had to cut my 'motivational chat' short. It was a very weird experience for me. I am an emotional soul but those tears took me by...

Is There Anybody Out There?

Is There Anybody Out There?

Sorry for the bold headline but if you don't open these emails, Mailchimp will eventually delete you from my list and you won't get them at all. Also, they are good. I pour my little soul into them each week and I believe that they make a difference. Thank you so much...

Accepting things for what they are

Accepting things for what they are

This week has been a week of learning to lean into acceptance for me. Acceptance that things are what they are and acceptance that I can never achieve as much in a day as I think I need to! Acceptance is a tricky subject. I talked about it in my Wellbeing Live on...

Routine and Connection

Routine and Connection

This has been a week hasn't it? I've been around the houses in my mind about so many things and then put myself firmly back in my safe circle. I hope you've been able to find clam and contentment of some sort in the middle of all of this. You are doing a fabulous job...